Mental Health Group

What we do

Life Medicine’s mental health groups blend the styles of group psychotherapy, gestalt therapy and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy to help our patients achieve their individual mental health goals. We specialize in helping our patients with depression, anxiety or addictions lead better, happier lives and develop stronger, healthier relationships. Together through our warm, supportive and authentic group process, we help our patients understand, manage and eventually overcome their deepest challenges. Whether it’s the darkest night of the soul, or even just the occasional, bothersome panic attack, Life Medicine has the tools to help. 

Who can join

 Our mental health groups are available to any adult* suffering from depression, anxiety, substance and/or behavioural addictions. Consultations can be arranged either by physician-referral or self-referral. All you need is a health card and a willingness to participate! 

 (*Please note, there are a limited number of conditions that we are unfortunately unable to treat in our mental health groups. These are outlined in our FAQ section).

Quick Facts

  •  Life Medicine’s mental health services consist of weekly, 75-minute evening sessions running as either limited 6-month groups or non-limited commitment groups.

  • You won’t just sit there learning how to get better. Every week is a relaxed, yet dynamic experience that invites your active participation.

  • Given the interpersonal nature of our groups, our patients report that - in addition to reaching their mental health goals - their most important relationships improve significantly over the course of their treatment.

  • Though the idea of talking in groups can be unnerving for some, our best science has demonstrated that group psychotherapy is at least as effective - and may have additional benefits above and beyond - one-on-one psychotherapy.**

  • All physician services are covered by OHIP. Dr. Weiss does work with other mental health professionals, such as a Registered Psychotherapist, whose services are covered by almost all private health insurance plans.

  • To learn more and to see an example of the type of group psychotherapy offered at Life Medicine please click here.

**See: Burlingame, Gary M., et al. "Outcome differences between individual and group formats when identical and nonidentical treatments, patients, and doses are compared: a 25-year meta-analytic perspective." Psychotherapy 53.4 (2016): 446-461.