FAQ’s for physicians

+ How do I refer a patient to Life Medicine?

Please fax referrals to (289)-768-4308. Check out our contact page for all Life Medicine's contact info.

+ I work at a FHO/FHT. Will there be any MOH negations if you see my patients?

Nope! In the presence of a physician referral, all Life Medicine's fee codes are out-of-basket.

+ Is Life Medicine SURE there are no MOH negations?

100% sure. As long as we have a referral. Please call us if you want more details. (But yes, 100% sure).

+ Are Life Medicine's interventions evidence-based?

Absolutely. Our carefully screened mental health patients undergo group psychotherapeutic treatment that has been demonstrated in the literature to be just as effective as equivalent forms of individual psychotherapy - and has been shown to be superior on some measures (please see our mental health group page for further details). For our diabetes groups, every aspect of our multidisciplinary intervention is carefully researched and supported by Canadian Diabetes Association (CDA) guidelines (please see our diabetes group page for further details).

+ What kind of patients should I refer? (Inclusion criteria)

The below list is not exhaustive and should serve as a general guideline for appropriate referrals. Please note that physician referral does not guarantee admission into a Life Medicine group.

Diabetes Group:

1) Adults ages 18-75 diagnosed with type-2 diabetes, with a recent hemoglobin A1C >6.5%. Patients do NOT need to have poorly-controlled diabetes. Patients do NOT need to carry comorbid mental health conditions.

2) Patients who are motivated to change their lifestyle.

3) Psychological-mindedness is prognostically helpful but not absolutely required.

Mental Health Group:

1) Adults ages 18-75 with diagnoses (or suspicion) of depressive, anxiety or addiction disorders.

2) Patients who are motivated to change or improve their mental health situation.

3) Psychological-mindedness is usually essential for patient success in this Life Medicine group.

4) Patients dealing with issues related to interpersonal and/or intimate relationships.

+ Who shouldn't I refer to Life Medicine? (Exclusion criteria)

The below list is not exhaustive and should serve as a general guideline for patients unlikely to benefit from a Life Medicine group.

Diabetes Group:

1) Patients who have no motivation to change their lifestyle.

2) Any patient with active psychosis, active suicidality, poorly controlled bipolar disorder, sociopathic/antisocial personality disorder, borderline personality disorder or schizophrenia/schizoaffective disorders.

3) Patients who would not be able or willing to attend weekday evening group sessions in downtown Hamilton on a weekly basis (for example, due to other commitments or difficulty traveling to clinic location).

4) Patients who are not able to tolerate a 'brisk walk' (~3.3 METS) due to anginal symptoms who have not had a recent exercise stress test (N.B.: these patients may be considered for consultation after an exercise stress test has been completed).

Mental Health Group:

1) Patients with a past history of significant brain injury.

2) Any patient with active psychosis (including paranoid delusions), active suicidality, poorly controlled bipolar disorder, sociopathic/antisocial personality disorder, borderline personality disorder or schizophrenia/schizoaffective disorders.

3) Patients with opioid addiction who are actively using will usually not do well in Life Medicine groups - however, consideration for entry will be made on a case-by-case basis.

4) Patients who would not be able or willing to attend weekday evening group sessions in downtown Hamilton on a weekly basis (for example, due to other commitments or difficulty traveling to clinic location).

5) Patients who would be unwilling to participate in a group psychotherapy environment.

6) Patients lacking any motivation to change or improve their mental health situation.

+ I think this is pretty cool. How can I learn more or get involved?

We would love to hear from you! Please contact us and we will get back to you ASAP!