FAQ’s for patients

+ Is it covered by OHIP?

Yes! All of Dr. Weiss’ fees at Life Medicine are covered by OHIP for patients with Ontario health cards, and provincial insurance for any other Canadian patients. Dr. Weiss does work with other mental health professionals, such as a Registered Psychotherapist, whose services are covered by almost all private health insurance plans.

+ What happens at my first appointment?*

This depends on which group you are coming in for.

Diabetes Group: For this Life Medicine group, you will be meeting with Dr. Weiss for a 75-minute consultation. This may involve a short medical questionnaire beforehand. We will ask you about your health history, specific questions about how your diabetes care is going, and any diabetes-related complications you might have encountered. We will talk lots about your diet and exercise habits, as well as any barriers you might be dealing with in making the changes you want in your life. You will have the chance to tell us exactly what you’re looking for out of your Life Medicine experience - and then we will do some initial goal-setting to map out how to reach these goals. This 75-minute assessment is an opportunity for us to get to know more about you and to figure out if Life Medicine is a good fit for you.

Mental Health Group: For this Life Medicine group, you will be meeting with Dr. Weiss and our registered psychotherapist Tracy Miles for a 50-minute consultation. We will explore any issues or challenges you might be experiencing related to your mental health. As part of this conversation, we will also talk about aspects of your life - such as your diet, exercise habits, work, family, and stress management - that may be impacting how you are feeling day-to-day. You will have the chance to tell us exactly what you’re looking for out of your Life Medicine experience - and then we will do some initial goal-setting to map out how to reach these goals. This 50-minute assessment is an opportunity for us to get to know more about you and to figure out if Life Medicine is a good fit for you.

+ What happens next?

If one of our Life Medicine groups is a good fit for you, we will decide on when is the best time to have you join us for your first session. Our mental health groups have new patients enter on a rolling basis, whereas diabetes groups (and in the future, our heart disease groups) have specific start and end dates. Regardless of which Life Medicine group you enter, we provide you with additional information in order to get you ready for your first group. Dr. Weiss' staff is also available to answer any questions or concerns in the interim.

+ What happens in the weekly sessions for the diabetes or the heart disease groups?

This varies on a weekly basis. Throughout your 3 or 6-month experience, you will participate in an extensive - and consistent - variety of treatments to help you achieve your goals in different ways. In every weekly session we incorporate physician-supervised exercise. Several sessions will feature individualized nutrition counseling and hands-on cooking classes with an experienced chef. Many sessions will also include group psychotherapy specifically geared towards the challenges you face in your journey to health and well-being.

+ Why do I need psychotherapy if I just have diabetes or heart disease?

Life would be pretty boring without its challenges. We all have them. Sometimes they can be pretty small and relatively easy to overcome. Sometimes not. Our group psychotherapy sessions help you in three big ways: 1) identifying the real challenges preventing you from achieving your health goals, 2) finding the best ways forward in overcoming these challenges, and 3) supporting you in taking the steps you need to take. There's no stigma or judgment at Life Medicine. We are all on the same team, and it can be really helpful having a team helping you achieve your goals. Maybe we should call it team psychotherapy?

+ What happens in the weekly sessions for the mental health groups?

This varies somewhat from week to week. We put alot of effort into creating a safe and warm environment where talking about difficult things feels easier. Every relationship in the group - between group members and therapist(s) alike - is crucially important in illuminating the underlying issues behind the mental health challenges you might be facing. Unlike some other forms of group therapy, there is no set weekly theme that is discussed. Instead, we talk about what every individual has brought to the group room. We process the thoughts, emotions and behaviours that appear in the group environment, in the 'here and now.' This form of group psychotherapy allows for a uniquely tailored and dynamic experience. It is exceptionally effective at helping you better understand - and eventually gain more control over - the mental health challenges in your life. To see an example of the type of group psychotherapy offered at Life Medicine, please click here.

+ I don’t like groups. Isn’t one-on-one better?

Actually, it's not. No form of therapy is perfect, but according to the best long-term statistics that we have, group psychotherapy is just as effective as individual psychotherapy. In some ways, it can actually be better. With all that in mind, at our initital assessment, you will have the chance to see if what we offer would be a good fit for you.

+ How will I know that my information will be kept confidential?

Every patient that participates in a Life Medicine group is required to sign a confidentiality agreement. We do this to help ensure that what we talk about in the group, stays in the group. We also do our best to create a culture of trust every time we meet. Confidentiality is one of the top priorities at Life Medicine, and we take multiple precautions in this regard. None of your personal information will be shared with any other group member without you either sharing it yourself, or giving us direct permission to do so.

*Initial consultation does not guarantee admission into a Life Medicine group. We will communicate to you after this assessment whether or not we think one of our groups would be a good fit for you.